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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Acting Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

May 10, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

Vladimir Putin met with Acting Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Mishustin, as you know, I have submitted a proposal to the State Duma on appointing you as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Most recently, we have met with colleagues to assess the Government’s performance over previous years. A lot has been achieved in challenging conditions, and I think it would be proper for us to continue working with you and for you to continue your work as Prime Minister.

You and I have discussed the structure and line-up. I think in general we are on the right path, and I very much expect the State Duma deputies to appreciate and support you during your upcoming consultations today with the Duma parties and later at a parliament session. Just recently, you made a report in the State Duma, and the deputies are well aware of the work that the Government and you as Prime Minister have done over these past years.

After this, which will hopefully go as planned, we will meet again to discuss your proposals in greater detail. We will act in accordance with the Constitution. I hope that the State Duma deputies will support your candidates for deputy prime ministers and federal ministers.

Acting Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin: Thank you, Mr Putin.

First, I would like to thank you for the trust you put in me.

The tasks you set in your Address to the Federal Assembly, and, of course, the national development goals specified in the new May executive order, serve as guidelines and priorities for the Government’s work.

I would like to emphasise that the Government will continue working uninterrupted. I also believe that we must ensure continuity regarding all the previous national goals set in the Executive Orders 204 and 474. We will make every effort to develop our economy and so to justify the trust of our people, and I am confident that under your leadership we will achieve all the set tasks.

Vladimir Putin: We formulated the national development goals together with you and our colleagues from the Government, and the achievement of these goals in all areas is our paramount objective. As the recent years have shown, we are generally able to achieve the results that the country needs, and obviously, in today’s difficult conditions, we must get together and organise the activities exactly as we agreed at the latest meeting with the Government, working continuously.

Mikhail Mishustin: We will do this, Mr Putin.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

May 10, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow